Volunteers play an integral role at Scars of Survival Inc, and their donated time and talents directly impact the lives of our victims, survivors, and their families. Our volunteer program offers opportunities to work directly with our victims & survivors or “behind the scenes” by helping with events and office support.
Volunteer Inquiry Form
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
There are many ways you can help…
Educate yourself. Attend one of Scars of Survival Inc community awareness events. Check out the “What’s Happening” page of our website for a list of upcoming events.
Speak out: Speak up when others make perpetuate stereotypes.
Share your knowledge about domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking with family and friends.
Support legislation affecting survivors.
Volunteer: Scars of Survival Inc couldn’t do all it does without its committed volunteers. Whether it is answering our support line; providing accompaniment to court, the police department, volunteers are vital.
Listening to a victim can truly make all the difference. Direct service not your thing? Assist with fundraising; participate in upcoming events; or keep community organizations stocked with Scars of Survivals Inc information.
Make a donation: Like many non-profits, Scars of Survival Inc relies on the generosity of community members to help sustain our programs.
Help Create Social Change: The causes of violence are rooted in our culture and society. Because of this, social action is needed to change traditions, beliefs, and norms that both create and perpetuate domestic and sexual violence. Advocating for change to institutions and systems that don’t keep victims safe; or hold perpetrators accountable is critical; and is the only way we will ultimately end violence against women, children, and men.